12 augusti 2007

Rekordet är vårt

Rekordet för antal matcher utan förlust på hemmaplan är nu enbart Chelseas. Sedan förra säsongen delade vi det med Liverpool upplaga 78-81, men nu är det enbart Chelseas. 64 matcher utan förlust.

I årets premiär mot nykomlingarna Bimingham som hade nästan 100% utdelning i matchen vann Chelsea med 3-2. Chelsea borde ha gjort ett antal fler mål med tanke på alla målchancer som skapades. Det var en härlig positiv match där nykomlingarna i Chelsea imponerade, men allra mest imponerade Shaun Wright-Phillips som är som en helt ny spelare denna säsong. Vi har redan visat att vår nya bredare trupp håller för skador, då vi aldrig inlett en säsong med så mycket skador. Priset för att turnera i USA, enligt en del. Vi har också en tuff vecka med match mot Reading borta (det var i den matchen vi skadade våra målvakter förra året) och Liverpool borta nästa helg.


nedanstående artikel publiceras på Chelsea Vital, länk här bredvid.

 The season has started and it started well. Undefeated at Stamford Bridge 64 games and running. What a lovely game it was too.

I like records. José likes titles. They are great fun too. Greatest time on earth, but next year someone else might steal our title. A record takes something different to beat. They do not change all that often. We saw that last year, and even if a drink and FA cup is more than decent, it is not the title above all others, the Premiership. Last year I had a blasphemic thought, that I would not mind losing the Premiership if we won the Champion’s League. I will never again think that. Set (or in that case tying) the record of consecutive Premierships, was more important than I’m willing to admit. Because I love records.

It could have been that I very early discovered Guinness Book of Records (better than the beer). More probably is the fact that I did a lot of track and field as a youngster up to the glorious injury days (3,5 year on crutches out of 5). Records are bread and butter for us trackers, personal best, season best, indoors, in rain etc. Track is the statisticians heaven. I got a really bad memory for numbers (too much beer?) but I still love records.

Today we took one of the best and finest records  in football, all over the world. Maybe some minor league have something similar, but the only leagues that count is the European, Brazilian and Argentinian. The rest is way beyond it.

64 consecutive home games undefeated. That is a very honourable record, and it will be added to as I have no doubt that we can go this season undefeated. That is more than three full seasons gruelling play in the toughest and best league in the world without losing in front of our own. Three seasons! That means a virtual guranteee of leaving Stamford Bridge with a smile or a slight sneer of a draw. No tears though.

Every two weeks we have taken on the best teams for three years, and never lost! I can not repeat it enough. Never have our resolve or spirit wavered. Opposing teams must tremble when the walk out at Stamford Bridge.

It also deserves to be mentioned that the Premiership is the toughest league in the world.  Despite the top four teams dominance it is the only top league where other teams actually beat the top teams occasionally. What West Ham did to Man U last season never happens in Spain, Italy, France, Germany, Holland.

Taking the record from our new arch enemies Liverpool. Well, that just makes it all the sweeter. Sweeter than butterscotch on icecream. Tastier than Cardhu whiskey. The gloating value of erasing the Liverpool from their greatest years 1978-1981 from the record books will even make me stand the poseur that use to visit our site. After all it is way tougher to win the English league today, hence it is way tougher to break old records.

That angle makes it even nicer of this new proud record that will continue every time we play at Stamford Bridge, for a long time I hope. We can make it an unbeatable record.

We have now played 64 games, 49 wins, 14 draws and of course no loss. We have scored  134 goals and conceded 31. Last time we lost was February 2004. I will not remind you of that game.

I think Roman should reimburse all spectators the day we lose it, or rather stop adding to the record. Someday bad luck may catch up.

Now, there is however another record I trully covet. A record that is as hard or maybe harder to accomplish. A record today held by Arsenal. Being undefeated an entire season. I want that record. My stomach craves that record. Today we start a new challenge to that record.

Give me all the records. They last longer than titles,. By the way, give me the titles too. The premiership, the champion’s league – I could settle for that even if a quadruple would be nice. ;-)



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